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Scott County Youth Baseball - FAQ

Overview of our League

Registration Questions

Equipment Questions

Coaching Questions


What is Scott County Youth Baseball?

Scott County Youth Baseball is a stand-alone not-for-profit organization for the youth of Scott County to play the great game of baseball. We are under the umbrella of Georgetown Parks and Recreation.  We are also affiliated with Babe Ruth / Cal Ripken.  The organization is completely ran by volunteers.  Without the help of parents and volunteers this league would not be possible.


Registration Questions

The following questions will explain the registration process.

What is my child's Babe Ruth / Cal Ripken age?

Your child's age on the date of April 30th will determine their Babe Ruth / Cal Ripken age.  A helpful chart can be found at the following website.  Click Here.  Use your child's Babe Ruth / Cal Ripken age when referring to the rest of the questions.

Do I have to be a resident of Scott County?

Scott County Youth Baseball is open to the surrounding counties except for All-Stars.  In order to be eligible for All-Stars you have to be a resident of Scott County.  

Is SCYB open for Boys and Girls?

Yes, SCYB is open to boys and girls.

When can I play baseball?  How many different registration periods are there?

Two registration periods for ages (4-5). 

  • The Spring Season (Check website in January)
  • The Fall Season (Check website in early August)

Three registration periods for ages (6-12).

  • The Spring Season  (Check website in January)
  • All-Stars (Summer) (Check website in May, also a notification email will be sent)
  • The Fall Season (Check website in early August)

Two registration periods for ages (13-15).

  • The Late-Spring Early-Summer Period. (Check registration in late April or early May).  Note:  Registration is on a different schedule because of middle-school baseball.

When can I register my child?

The exact registration dates can fluctuate every year.  Please check the home-page during these time frames for online registration.

Ages (4-5).

  • Spring registration begins in early January and usually closes around the middle of February.
  • Fall registration begins in late July and closes in the middle of August.

Ages (6-12). 

  • Spring registration begins in early January and usually closes around the middle of February.
  • All-Star registration and tryouts are held in May.  In order to be eligible for All-Stars you must have played in the Spring and be a resident of Scott County.
  • Fall registration begins in late July and closes in the middle of August.

Ages (13-15)

  • Registration for senior league will begin in early January and closes in the middle of May.  The senior league season starts a lot later than the younger kids so as to not conflict with middle-school baseball.  We have to have an adequate number of players to host a league.
  • Fall registration begins in late July and closes in the middle of August.

There is a normal registration period and a late registration period.  Late registrations will be charged a fee.

When does the season start and end?

Ages (4-5). 

  • Spring - Practices start after teams are formed around the last week of February or the first Week of March.  The season will close at the end of May.  We end this age group before June starts.
  • Fall - Practices will start after teams are formed around the middle of August.  The season will end before or around the first week of October.  We usually end the season before Fall break of the school system.

Ages (6-12).  

  • Spring - Practices start after teams are formed after the last talent-evaluation for your age group.  The season will close the first or second week of June.  This is to accommodate an end-of-the-year tournament.
  • All-Stars (Summer) - Practices start after teams are formed in late May.  Games will last until the coach decides not to play in any more tournaments.
  • Fall - Practices will start after teams are formed around the middle of August.  The season will end before or around the first week of October.  We usually end the season before Fall break of the school system.

Ages (13-15) 

  • Late Spring / Early Summer - Practices will start after teams are formed after the last talent-evaluation for your age group around the middle of May.  Tournament will end in late July.
  • Fall - We have to have enough people registered to have a fall season for this age group.  If this session does not happen you will be refunded your money.  Practices will start after teams are formed around the middle of August.    The season will end before or around the first week of October.  We usually end the season before Fall break of the school system.

I missed registration!  Is it too late?

Once registration ends, the wait list begins.  Check the website to have your child's name added to the wait list and contact the league coordinator to notify them.  Every league is different in terms of the number of spots available.  One league might be full and another league might have a spot or two open.  Usually, the day after registration closes is when the board will decide and approve the number of coaches.  We HAVE to have a hard cut off at some point in order to know how to properly staff the season.  Sorry if the league is full.

The wait-list is first-come first-serve.

What league will my child be playing in?

Scott County Youth Baseball provides league play for the following age groups:

  • Wee Ball League (Age 4)
  • Tee Ball League (Ages 5)
  • Rookie League (Age 6)
  • Training League (Ages 7-8)
  • Minor League (ages 9-12) (recreational)
  • Major League (ages 10-12) (competitive)
  • Senior League (ages 13-15)

For league purposes, your child's age will be determined by his or her age as of April 30th. Please consult the Babe Ruth Baseball Age Chart for more information. 

From ages 4 - 9, it's pretty simple based on the chart above.

At the age of 10, when you are completing the registration, you will notice that you have an option between Minor or Major.  Choose major if your child wants to attempt the major league talent-evaluation.  If the child attends the major league talent evaluation and does not get drafted, they will be in the minor league.

At ages 11 and 12, when you are completing the registration, you will notice that the Major league is the only option.   Your child will be required to attend the Major league talent evaluation.  If he or she is not drafted for Major, they will be placed in the Minor league.  The rule was put into place several years ago, so that all 11 and 12's must attempt the Major league talent evaluation to make the leagues more fair.  

If you want to know if you need to attend a talent-evaluation, read the question, "Is my child required to attend a talent-evaluation" in this FAQ.  It is very detailed.

What team will my child be playing on?

Starting at rookie league your child will have to go through a talent-evaluation and draft process.  If you are in a league you will remain on the same team until you age out or advance to the next league.  This is so there will always be returning players and new players on a team.  For more information about who will be the coach, see who will be my child's coach.

What is the difference between a Tryout and a Talent-Evaluation? 

tryout indicates that you may or may not make the team you are trying out for.  The only tryouts that SCYB have are for the All-Star teams.   No player is required to tryout for the All-Star teams.  This is optional.

talent-evaluation is where the league coaches will evaluate your child's skill level before a draft.   You are guaranteed to play baseball and will be assigned to a team.  In the spring we use the term Talent-Evaluation instead of Tryout.

Is my child required to attend a Talent-Evaluation? 

The following age chart will explain if you are required to attend a talent-evaluation.  If you are required to attend a talent-evaluation and do not show, you will not be placed on a team.  We are very strict on this.  Talent-Evaluation dates, times, and locations will be posted on the home page when they are set.  The talent-evaluation will consist of your child running, throwing, and hitting.  Please bring a bat, helmet, and glove to the talent-evaluation that you attend.

Ages (4-5).  

  •  Not required for the Spring or Fall.  Children this young do not need to attend a talent-evaluation.  Your child will be placed on a team without a draft.  

Age (6)   


  • Yes for the Spring. 
  • No for the Fall.

Age (7)  

  • Yes for the Spring.
  • No for the Fall.

Age (8)


  •      Yes, if you did not play the year prior in SCYB.  
  •      No, if you are a returning player.  You will return to your old team from the prior year.


  • No for the Fall.

Age (9)

  • Yes for the Spring.
  • No for the Fall.

Age (10)


  • For new players who did not play in SCYB the prior year, a ten year old has the option of attending the Major League Talent-Evaluation (competitive) or attending the Minor League Talent-Evaluation (recreational).  They must attend one of the two.  (Because they attend the Major League Talent-Evaluation does not guarantee that they will be in the Major League.  If your child is drafted by the Major League coaches you will be placed in the Majors.  If your child is not drafted for Major League your child will be drafted by one of the Minor League coaches.  Regardless, you are guaranteed to play in one of the two leagues).
  • For returning players, you have the option of attending the Major League Talent-Evaluation (competitive) or returning to the same team from the prior year in the Minor League (recreational).  If you choose to attend the Major League Talent-Evaluation and your child is not drafted by the major coaches, he or she will return to the Minor League on the same team as the prior year.


  • No for the Fall.

Age (11)

    • Spring - All 11 year old children MUST attend the Major League Talent-Evaluation if they were in the Minors the year prior or new to SCYB.  Returning Major players will return to the same team and do not need to attend a Talent-Evaluation.  If not selected for Majors you will return to your prior Minor team or enter the Minor draft.
    • No for the Fall.

    Age (12)

    • Spring - All 12 year old children MUST attend the Major League Talent-Evaluation if they were in the Minors the year prior or new to SCYB.  Returning Major players will return to the same team and do not need to attend a Talent-Evaluation.  If not selected for Majors you will return to your prior Minor team or enter the Minor draft.
    • No for the Fall.

    Ages (13-15)

    • Yes for the Spring, Senior League has a fresh draft every year.
    • No for the Fall.  

    Who is my coach?  When will I be contacted by my child's coach?

    After registration ends, the SCYB board of directors will elect coaches depending on the number of teams and players registered.  There is no guarantee that any one individual will be elected to coach, even if they were elected in a prior year.  Sometimes, a coach may choose not to come back because of life obligations.  Sometimes a coach will only coach in the fall and not the spring and vice-versa.  That being said, some leagues are multi-year leagues, which means that a coach can maintain that team for multiple years. 

    For the draft leagues, if your child is entering a new league for the first time they will enter a draft.  You will be contacted by the coach one or two days after the draft.  The draft is held one or two days after the talent-evaluations end.  They will remain with that team until they age out or move to another league, even if the coach changes from year-to-year.  There is no guarantee that you will have a certain coach or be on a team with a friend.  This policy is to ensure that teams are evenly distributed with talent.

    For the non-draft leagues, the coordinators will put the team together.  If you are in one of the few no draft leagues, you can contact the coordinator and request a coach by looking for the league coordinator and contacting them.  Click here to see a list of coordinators.

    • Wee Ball - No Draft
    • TBall - No Draft
    • Rookie - Draft
    • Training - Draft
    • Minor - Draft
    • Major - Draft
    • Senior League - Draft

    When will practices be held?

    Head coaches will notify parents of the time and location of team practices, which will be coordinated with the League Coordinator.  The coach will set the practice schedule.  Some coaches will practice more than others.  There is no guaranteed number of practices or guaranteed days of the week.  If you have conflicts, please work with your coach.

    When will games be played?

    League Coordinators will build game schedules after the player draft is complete. Schedules will be distributed to coaches and made available on the schedule page of the Scott County Youth Baseball Web site.

    Is it possible for my child to be on a specific team with another child? (usually a friend)

    First identify your child's Babe Ruth age and identify the league they are in.

    • Wee Ball League (Age 4) 
    • Tee Ball League (Ages 5) 
    • Rookie League (Age 6) 
    • Training League (Ages 7-8) 
    • Minor League (ages 9-12) (recreational) 
    • Major League (ages 10-12) (competitive) 
    • Senior League (ages 13-15)

    For the younger leagues (4-5) we try to make reasonable accommodation's as long as the notice is given to the coordinator before teams are formed.  We reserve the right to decline requests.  Click here to see a list of coordinators for the year and contact them.  From ages 6 and above, kids are drafted to a team so it is no longer possible to be on your friends team unless they are drafted to the same team.  Siblings are always placed on the same team by default as long as they are in the same league.


    Equipment Questions

    The following questions will help you understand the equipment needs to play baseball.

    What equipment or gear does my child need?

    Scott County Youth Baseball provides each player with a team jersey, a team cap and color-coordinated socks.

    Parents should provide the following for their children

    • A baseball bat
    • A baseball glove
    • Baseball cleats
    • Baseball pants (color to be chosen by your child's head coach, after teams are assigned)
    • Belt (color to be chosen by your child's head coach, after teams are assigned)
    • A batting helmet
    • A bat bag to carry everything in (optional)

    Scott County Youth Baseball highly recommends parents invest in safety equipment for their children, including but not limited to heart guards, protective cups and mouth-guards.

    Were bat rules changed?

    Yes - USA Baseball, the national governing body for the sport of baseball in the United States, adopted new standards that took effect on 1/1/2018.

    Bats manufactured prior to this standard change, which do not meet the new guidelines and are not identified with the USA Baseball stamp, will be ineligible for SCYB League Play

    View the Babe Ruth League bat rules for more information, including a list of approved bats.

    My child played in the league previously. Can he or she use the same baseball bat from last season?

    Unless your child's baseball bat was manufactured in late 2017 and features the USA Bat sticker, the bat will be ineligible for SCYB league play

    Coaching Questions

     The following questions will help you understand the process for coaching for Scott County Youth Baseball.

    What is the difference between a head coach or an assistant coach?

    The head coach is responsible for the team and keeping the parents organized.  The head coach will work with the league coordinator to schedule practices and games.

    Assistant coaches typically help with being base coaches, bench coaches, and running drills during practice times.  Every team can have as many assistant coaches as necessary.

    What are the requirements for coaching?

    Head Coaching Requirements 

    1. Must be able to pass a background check.
    2. Must be voted in to head coach by the SCYB board of directors.

    Assistant Coaching Requirements

    1. Must be able to pass a background check.
    2. Must be approved to assist by the head coach.  
    3. Must be voted in to be an assistant coach by the SCYB board of directors.

    Should I Coach? 

    A lot of people think that you have to have played college ball or higher in order to be able to coach, that is not true.  Scott County Youth Baseball is an organization that is completely ran by volunteers.  Without an army of head and assistant coaches every year we would not be able to make this organization happen for the youth of Scott County.  

    Within the ages of 4 - 5 organization is just as important as baseball knowledge.  We have a very difficult time getting head coaches in this age group.  A lot of people who would make great coaches sit on the side lines the first year to "Check it Out First" before dipping their toes into being a head coach.  If you think you would make a great head coach, please apply!

    How do I apply to be a Head Coach?

    1. Contact the League Coordinator before registration ends.  The sooner the better.  Introduce yourself.  Call them.  They have to know who you are in order to place you on the ballot for coaching.  Click here to see a list of coordinators for the year.
    2. Complete the coaches application and send it to the coordinator.  Click here to take you to the page with the coaches application.
    3. When registering your child, register yourself as a volunteer also.  This is important to receive email communication.
    4. Wait for a decision to be made after the coaches selection meeting.  You will be notified.  The coaches selection meeting happens close to registration ending every year.  
    5. Fill out a background check at the pavilion front desk before the first practice.

    How do I apply to be an Assistant Coach?

    1. Fill out a background check at the pavilion front desk before the first practice.
    2. Contact your head coach as soon as possible to let you know that you want to help out.
    3. When registering your child, register yourself as a volunteer also.  This is important to receive email communication.
    4. The head coach will give a list of his assistants to the coordinator.
    5. The coordinator will present the assistants to the board for approval.
    6. If the board approves you as an assistant, you will be eligible to assist.  

    You are ok to assist as soon as the head coach approves and the background check is completed.