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Scott County Youth Baseball Leagues

The general objective of the Scott County Youth Baseball program is to inspire youth, familiarize all participants with the fundamentals of baseball, and intends to give each player an opportunity to play the game in a safe, supervised, and organized environment. The League aims to make significant contributions in molding young persons during their important character-forming years when they begin to look for such guidance outside the home. 

Scott County Youth Baseball is a volunteer operated, non profit organization fully funded by league dues, sponsorships, and dues.  It is governed by an Executive Board of Directors (link on page to the Board info page) elected annually in November of each year.   All administration and supervision of the league is vested in the Board.  The league is affiliated with the Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth Baseball Organization and is supported by Georgetown/Scott County Parks and Recreation through a Youth Sports Organization agreement.   SCYB offers three different sessions: Spring (March - June 15), Summer (June - August), and Fall (September).  Spring is the primary session and offers eight leagues:  Wee ball, Tee ball,  Rookie, Training,  Minor,  Junior Major,  Major, and Senior leagues.

Spring Season:

The spring season is the primary baseball season supporting 700+ baseball kids.  Opening day is after Scott County spring break and all games are finished by June 15th (except for Senior league).  It is open to both boys and girls ages 4 - 15 (age as of 4/30).  Registration typically opens by mid-January and closes mid-February.  All kids registered during this time will have the opportunity to play as long as we have coaches to support.  Talent evaluations are required for ages 6 and above and times/locations will be posted on our website, emailed to the league, and shared on social media once available.  For older kids, talent evaluations determine which leagues kids will play via a draft selection process based on skill set.  For younger leagues (Rookie and Training), the talent evaluations keep parity between teams.

Team selection:  Coaches will contact players within 1 week of the talent evaluation date.  If you have not heard from a coach by then, please Contact Us.

Game Schedule:  Game schedules will be released by the end of March.  Games will start the week after SCS spring break.  Regular season games should end by June 1st and tournament games will end no later than June 10th.  Most games are played Monday - Saturday.  However, some make-up games could be scheduled on Sunday afternoons if needed due to rainouts..

Volunteer coaches are the lifeblood of our league.  Anyone who played baseball/softball growing up can teach the game of baseball and therefore are a candidate to coach.  You DO NOT need to have played in the MLB, college, or high school to coach; especially in the younger leagues.  YouTube is a great resource for drills, practice schedules, and rule review.

Wee Ball

Wee Ball is an instructional league for age 4 players and introduces team sports for this group. In Wee Ball, players hit off a batting tee and do not play a set position in the field. No score is kept during the game, no outs are recorded, and players can advance only one base at a time. All kids hit each inning and the last batter of the inning is the “homerun” hitter. Parents are strongly encouraged to be involved at this level.

All players are assigned to a team on a random basis. Requests for certain players to be placed on the same team can be made during the registration period by contacting the Wee Ball Coordinator. These requests can typically be accommodated, but are not guaranteed. Siblings within the league will be assigned to the same team.

Wee Ball is not offered in the summer or fall ball leagues.

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Tee Ball

Tee Ball is a continuation of the instructional program for SCYB for age 5 players. The primary goal of Tee Ball is to continue the skills development started in Wee Ball, building on hitting and fielding skills and introducing a more structured game of baseball. All batters hit from a tee that is adjusted to a height level to allow them to swing level. Adult coaches are stationed beyond the infielders to provide instruction to all defensive players. Parents are strongly encouraged to be involved at this level.

All players are assigned to a team on a random basis. Requests for certain players to be placed on the same team can be made during the registration period by contacting the Tee Ball Coordinator. These requests can typically be accommodated, but are not guaranteed. Siblings within the league will be assigned to the same team.

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 Rookie League

Rookie League, for ages 6 only, continues to teach the fundamentals of baseball focusing on fielding, throwing, catching, hitting, and baserunning.  Rookie utilizes a hybrid of coach pitch and batting tee.  A coach pitches a certain number of pitches to the batter.  If the batter is unsuccessful at hitting the coach, the batter hits off the batting tee.  Score and outs are kept during the games and standings are maintained throughout the season.  Adult coaches are stationed beyond the infielders to provide instruction to all defensive players.

Teams are selected through an evaluation and draft selection. All players will be selected to a team. No player may request assignment to or selection by a particular team. Children of coaches will be placed on their parent’s team and siblings within the same league will be assigned to the same team. 

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Training League

Training League, ages 7 and 8, provides more development as players take another step closer to the real game of baseball. The league is a coach-pitch only league where batters are challenged to hit 1 of 6 pitches or they are called out (strikeout).  Defensively, overthrows to 1st are dead balls limiting excessive running.  However, all other plays are live until the lead runner has been stopped by the fielding team as opposed to calling a timeout.. Score is kept and standings are maintained throughout the season.

Teams are selected through an evaluation and draft selection. All players will be selected to a team. No player may request assignment to or selection by a particular team. Children of coaches will be placed on their parent’s team and siblings within the same league will be assigned to the same team.

Training practices will begin after draft selection in early March. Teams typically play two games (one weekday and one Saturday) and have one to two practices per week. Games last approximately 90 minutes. Weekday games are either at 5:30 or 7:00 with weekend games on Saturday.  All teams compete in postseason play.

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Minor League

Minor League, ages 9-11, introduces player pitch baseball, catching, and steals.  It removes the overthrown dead ball at 1st base and introduces “3 strikes and you are out”.  This is the hardest transition league due to the introduction of pitching, catching and stealing bases.  Pitchers pitch from 42 feet.  There are max pitches and innings per week.  Score is kept and standings are maintained throughout the season.  There are max runs per inning over the course of 6 innings.

Teams are selected through a talent evaluation and draft selection.  No player may request assignment to or selection by a particular team. Children of coaches will be placed on their parent’s team and siblings within the same league will be assigned to the same team.  All 9 year olds will attend talent evaluations for this league and will get selected to a Minor league team.  All 10 year olds will attend Jr. Major talent evaluations.  All 11 year olds will attend Major talent evaluations (unless they played in Majors last year).  Any 11 or 10 year old who does not get selected for Major or Jr. Major will play in Minor league.

Minor practices will begin after draft selection in early March. Teams typically play two games (one weekday and one Saturday) and have one to two practices per week.  Games last up to 2 hours.  Weekday games are either at 5:30 or 7:30 with weekend games on Saturday.  All teams compete in postseason play.

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Junior Major League

Junior Major, ages 10-12, is new to Scott County Youth Baseball for the 2023 season.  It is designed for players not quite ready to play in the Major League, but for those whose talent levels are more advanced than Minor.  Base paths are 65 feet and baserunners can lead off and steal any base. Pitchers will pitch from a distance of 46 feet and will learn to hold runners on base while pitching out of the stretch.  Age 12 kids are allowed to pitch in this new league.  There are max runs per inning over the course of 6 innings.  There are max pitches and innings per week.

Teams are selected through a talent evaluation and draft selection.  No player may request assignment to or selection by a particular team. Children of coaches will be placed on their parent’s team and siblings within the same league will be assigned to the same team.  Any 10 year old who registered to play Jr. Major will attend the Jr. Major talent evaluations.  All 11 & 12 year olds not returning to a Major league team (played in Minors last year) will attend the Major talent evaluations.  Any 11 or 10 year old who does not get selected for Major or Jr. Major will play in Minor league.

Junior Major  practices will begin after draft selection in early March. Teams typically play two games (one weekday and one Saturday) and have one to two practices per week.  Games last up to 2 hours.  Weekday games are either at 5:30 or 7:30 with weekend games on Saturday.  All teams compete in postseason play.

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Major League

Major League, ages 10 – 12, is a competitive league for our most advanced players.  The majority of all games are played Monday - Friday.  Major league will play on opening day Saturday.  Base paths are 70 feet and baserunners can lead off and steal any base.  Pitchers will pitch from a distance of 50 feet.  Dropped 3rd strike is allowed and balks are called.  There are NO max runs per inning over the course of 6 innings.  There are max pitches & innings per week.

Teams are selected through a talent evaluation and draft selection.  No player may request assignment to or selection by a particular team. Children of coaches will be placed on their parent’s team and siblings within the same league will be assigned to the same team.  Any 10 year old who registered to play Major will attend the Major talent evaluations and if selected will play in Major league.  All 11 & 12 year olds not returning to a Major league team (played in Minors last year) will attend the Major talent evaluations.  Any 12 who does not get selected for Major will play in Jr. Major league.  Any 11 or 10 who does not get selected for Major will either play in Jr. Major or Minor pending draft selection.

Major  practices will begin after draft selection in early March. Teams typically play two games (both weekday) and have one to two practices per week.  Games last up to 2 hours.  Weekday games are either at 5:30 or 7:30.  All teams compete in postseason play.

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Summer Season Baseball

Scott County Youth Baseball offered summer baseball for the 1st time ever in 2022 and it was VERY successful!  Although we offered registration for Rookie, Training, and Major/Minor leagues – only Rookie and Major/Minor had enough kids to form a league.  Both leagues provided an opportunity for kids to continue to play baseball throughout the summer months while developing their skills and having fun with friends.  We understand that families take vacations during the summer, so we designed it so that kids could miss games while still preventing forfeits.  We will improve upon what went well and not so well this year and plan to offer again in 2023.

All-Star Summer Baseball

The league will continue to provide an opportunity to play all-star baseball as long as we have both coaching and player interest.  All stars provide an opportunity for the best from each age group to compete against other area competitive teams.  Tryouts and coaching selection is documented within the league by-laws.  Tryouts are planned for Sunday, May 21st and will be communicated via league website, social media, and league emails.

Fall Season Baseball

Scott County offers an instructional league during the fall season. Games and practices are on weekdays only. Registration for Fall typically opens in late August.  This season provides an excellent learning environment to introduce your child to baseball, improve their skills, and prepare them for the next level up. Fall ball is more relaxed and less of a time commitment than the Spring season. All leagues except for Wee Ball offer opportunities to play during these seasons and players play in the division they will be eligible for during the coming Spring season.

All players will be assigned to teams on a random basis. Team requests can be submitted during registration to the respective League Coordinator, but we cannot guarantee that all requests will be accommodated. Requests are prioritized in the order they are received.

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